Empty Nest Christmas - Remembering Traditions, Adjusting Expectations, & Redefining Christmas

Episode 67
December 23rd, 2021

My mom is here to talk about Christmas.  

We reflect on her Italian-American upbringing with the feast of the seven fishes and how she has had to adjust expectations and redefine Christmas through different phases of life – including this year as an Empty Nest Christmas.

Part 1: The Italians (my mom’s paternal side) moving to the US and establishing Christmas traditions


Part 2: My mom’s childhood – same same but different


Part 3: Married with children – building new traditions


Part 4: How all of that influences her feelings about what she has now –  

an Empty Nest Christmas

    Listen to Balancing Christmas, a conversation with my brother.


    We were both born and raised in the USA but somehow both ended up marrying Europeans. Listen to hear how Christmas was for us, what it has become now that we mix and match traditions with our partners, and how we embrace the magic of the season with our kids.

    Balancing Christmas the original aired on December 24th, 2020.

    An Encore was released on December 16th, 2021 with new intro and freshening up.

    Balancing with My Mom

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